My Trip, My Bookmarks, My Friends

Discover the new feature (beta version)Click the thumbnail for a short video presentation.

For now the system is basic and let you create simple lists that you can refer or share at any time. This is the first beta version. More enhancements will follow soon. The idea is to let you prepare your next trip, or list your slackline objectives. See your profile (or cick the arrow next to your picture in the menu bar).


Prepare you next trip. You can add the slackline locations you want to visit + add details (such as arrival date, custom text). Then you can share your list to anyone. There is a real potential behind this feature and we will publish enhancements in the next release.

My Friends

Create you friend list to easily find them on the site or share to list to your friends (ex suggestions of slackliners for an event).  We want make it to easy for you to conact a group of people (if they consent of course!). The feature is currently basic but we are working on new options.

My Bookmarks

Create a bookmark list of you favorite locations for quick access on the website. 

82 spots.
218 slackliners
(144 on map)