I'm in Jordan and am looking for places to slack. Any suggestions?
Any slackliners in Gent?
Salut il y a des slackeur sur Louvain-la-neuve ?
Je déménage à Wavre pour un stage, est-ce qu'il y a un groupe de slack ? Merci d'avance pour vos réponses !
Any slackliners in the Caribbeans?? More precisely in St Barthelemy? I'll be there on Febuary!
Bonjour les slackeurs, y a-t-il des slackeurs dans la région de Dinant-Ciney-Houyet ? A vous lire j'ai l'impression d'être décentrée
Any slackliners in Charlotte, North Carolina?
Any slackers based in Hawaii? I'll be on Kauai at the end of January and may be island hopping from there.
Hello, guys! May be any people know slackliners from Skovde (Sweden)?...
Any San Francisco slackers out there? Meet up possibly?
Does anyone know any slackliners in Eastern Asia? I.E., Japan, S. Korea, or China?
Toujours personne qui kot ou étudie à Mons pour s'arranger des sessions ?
Hello People! I´m looking for Highliners in Greece!?
Hello People! I´m looking for slaklainres in Bali or Malaysia. Thanks!
Any Salerno Slackliners out there? Will be here for the next two days!
So I’m visiting my family in Cheshire Connecticut for thanksgiving for the week, and of course being the slack addict I am I brought my rig with me. Any good trickline spots or community out here ?
Je souhaitais savoir quelles longueurs il était possible de tendre au bois de la cambre ?
Je sais qu'il est possible de tendre 150 mètres mais peut-on tendre les longueurs intermédiaires ? Si oui lesquelles?
Any slackers in north wales ?
I will arrive in Colombia (Cartagena) the 17. October and plan to stay a few weeks! Is someone there to rig some lines? :D
Voy a estar en Colombia a finales de Octubre para algunas semanas! Alguien que va montar algunas lineas en esta fecha?
are there any slackers or fun spots in Madagascar? Near from Antananarivo or next to Diego-Suarez?
I'm currently travelling in Nepal, and I was wondering if there is any slackers around Pokhara and Kathmandu. I'm going to trek for few days and then I'd like to enjoy the Slacklife during my free time.
Coming down the west coast from vancouver before heading to the GGBY. Where should I go meet all of you members of the slacklife/Highlife familia?!
does anyone know of any nice waterline spots in aruba?
Anyone in or know if any highlines or waterline spots in Tulum, Mexico or fairly close by? Will be the next week
Anyone here who has dedicated some time to learning how to walk with someone standing on your shoulders by any chance? I'm wondering whoof both people would be doing the actual slacklining.
I'm going to Bolivia and Peru for some months, any slackers over there ? :)
Des slackers du côté de Mons ?
Any slackers in kalymnos at the moment? I've got a highline up on that I'll be taking down tomorrow around midday, tomorrow morning is your chance for a session!!
Hello, J'ai découvert durant ces vacances la slack
j'en fait au parc de woluwé, des habitués ?
Hola amigos! I'm coming back to Mexico in a few weeks and I will stay near Cancun in Riviera Maya for 10 days so I was wondering if there was any slackline group there ?
quelqu'un slack du coté de Mouscron ? Tournai ?
Ola, je suis en vacances pour trois semaines près de anderlecht, y-a-t-il des slackeur motivé proche de Bruxelles ??
y a-t-il des gens qui marche et font des cabrioles sur une sangle à Namur ?
Bonjour à tous! Il y a des slackeurs à Mons?
Aujourd'hui je suis en Bruxelles pour ville sans voiture. Il y a quelq'un quipractise du slack? Probablement je suis en Parc de Forest!
Hi guys, I'm travelling in my van between venice and croatia via the coast over the next month or so with my partner, and am looking for advice on waterline and highline spots. So if you know of any spots, groups, pages or just want to meet up for a slack, please just hit me up.
Flying out to Oahu today! Looking to meet up with some slackers!!!
Are there any slackliners in Ethiopia?
Any slackers in the Oakland area wanna rig some stuff this week?
Bonjour, y a t'il des gens qui slackent à Gembloux?
Looking to meet some slackers in the New York area! I’ll we working upstate for the summer and would love to meet some locals and slack. Thanks!
Salut, on est une petite bande de lillois et on débarque samedi a Bruxelles pour aller a un concert . Du coup on va en profiter pour slacker dimanche sur Bruxelles. Quelqu'un aurait un coin de canap ou de sol a nous préter ou une auberge pas trop cher a nous conseiller? (On sera 3 ou 4 ) Et c'est ou le spot de prédilection pour metre un peu plus de 100m et vous rencontrer?
Hey guys, any highline action going on from 3 to 9 of october around Berlin?
Anyone at Santa Monica?
Anyone from Iceland? I will be available from July 10 to July 21 to highline.
As I keep slacking regularly, the vision of a high line keeps coming closer to mind. I was just wondering what other people's first high line experiences were like, anyone care to share?
Hey !!! Any Costa Rican slackliners ???
I’m in Krabi Thailand right now. Anyone know of any high lines here?
Do you know if there are slackers near Campina Grande in Brasil ? (Or at least near Paraíba region ? ) I'm there for 2 months and I'd love to meet some Brasilians Slackers :) Thanks !
Si seulement je connaissais des jeunes belges higlineurs...
je viens d'arriver en Belgique, où peut-on faire du slackline à herve, ou à liége etc? merci d'avance.
Des personnes qui font de la slackline et qui habite à Genval ?
Any slackline community on Jamaica?
Any highliners in Osaka or Kyoto? I'm around until October 21, looking to meet up or get out :)
Anyone slacklining in goa?
Iemand slacklinen in Antwerpen deze week??
i am travelling at january to Cambodia..is there or here somebody who know about some people where we can sleep and do our favorite sport which is walking at nice places? thanks for response
Y en a qui slack du côté de Charleroi ajd?
Ya personne qui slack dans la province du luxembourg?..
Hello everyone ! I will be travelling in China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand for 3 months from March to June and i was wondering if there is slackliners in the area which are willing to share good vibes and show me their home spot. I don't have a fix travel route yet and am looking for tips of places to go ! Thank you so much in advance for your help and see you soon !
Bouh ! Il y a des slackeurs dans les Flandres, du côté de Poperingue/Ypres ?
Hey slackers!
I'm currently in Cusco, Peru for a few weeks and looking for somewhere that i can get some webbing. Any help would be great.
Thanks guys!
Hello les slackeurs, j'arrive sur Amiens début Mars. Je viendrai surement vous retrouver les weekends, mais pour la semaine est-ce qu'il y aurait un groupe de slackeur sur Amiens ?
Salut ! est-ce qu'ils y en a parmi vous qui habitent à Wavre?
Any slackliners in East Africa?? Travelling through Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia, would be cool to do some slacklining!
In Prague.. people slack out here right?
ny slackliner in north goa arambol???
Any slackers hiding out in or around the black hills of South Dakota? Someone please surprise me
Any body in Costa Rica or Central America that would be down to rig a highline or know of cool waterline spots. Need a amigo to slack with. I am backpacking and have no gear.
Are there any highliners in siruana spain? I want to go there end of feb until march for climbing
Please contact me
Hey guys ill be making a little road trip from Sandusky Ohio to Vegas starting Oct 31. If there is anyone along the way that wants meet up set up some lines and maybe lend a couch hit me up.
Hi! Are there any slackliners in Linz, Austria? I'll be there from February till the end of the summer semester and would love to meet fellow slackliners :)
Who is slacklining near ...?,
Where are the best slackline locations a proximity?
I'm travelling next month. is there any good scenes around my destination? Who I'll met there?
Ok slackers, I've just landed in Lille, who's slacking, where and when? I'd love to join you.
Hello everyone! Any slackliners in Manila/Marikina? I'll be there 25/26 of November
Hello fellow slackers. I'm over in Benidorm 6th Nov and wondering if there are any good places to set up a line and anyone who wants to meet up?
Je suis française et étudiante en Belgique à Tournai, il y a du monde qui slack ?
An initiative from BeSlack, slackline Belgium association.