Current features

CREATE YOUR PUBLIC SLACKLINE PROFILE and  share it ! A personal area dedicated to your slackline activity.

- add presentation (custom text with formating options),
- add contacts details,
- add pictures,
- add videos, (YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo)
- add your highline/trickline diary (simple text field for now),
- add your records,
- add your social network profiles (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter..),
- add your association(s),
- add your sponsor(s),
- add your ISA ranking profile (coming soon),
- contact form (optional and your email never never visible!),
- add your favorite slackline location,
- set your basecamp (your daily slackline location. the location you stay for some days),
- indicate if you have a couch available for a slacktravelers,
- credit for the lines you've rigged,
- credit for the lines you've established,
- credit for the lines you've sent (coming soon),
- nice profile preview when share on social networks or messaging app.

FIND slackliners or locations

- see results around you first (in a range of 500km by default),
- auto geolocation (optional) or manual position,
- see distance between your position and a location or a slackliner (km/miles),


- no need to register to find locations.
- no need to register to add a location (but it's better if you want these spots on your profile page or add credits easily).
- no need to register to find slackliners (contact details in user profile pages are not visible for anonymous)
- you can quickly add a spot from your mobile then add the details later (when you are back at home..)

The development is flexible. All is based on open-source libraries (Drupal cms). The website is multilang and mobile friendly. Data privacy is important, the platform is RGPD compliant (even if the privacy and conditions pages are not fully ready yet). We have no intention to share or use data for commercial usage. The domain is paid by BeSlack association ( and the website is host on a dedicated server in France.


Your first steps could be:

- Discover the platform by your self (register & fill your slackline profile).
- Give feedback. We build Slacktoday for you and your input is important to confirm what's is working or not based on your usage.

82 spots.
218 slackliners
(144 on map)