Add or update a location

As member you can edit or update any locations. It's working like a wiki, anyone can contribute.

There is a revision system activated. This means we can roll back to a previous versions if needed. We like details so feel free to add the best locations you know. Nice pictures, videos, info lines setup, lines credits...

As anonymous you can add a new location but you can't edit. if you are in hurry you can quickly save your current location on your mobile and complete it later on your desktop.

Writer guidelines

When adding a new location thank you to use the simple present and third person. If you have a story or personal info you want to share please use the comment field instead.

during the next weeks the locations submitted will be first reviewed by the community then published if all good. You will be notified by email (if not anonymous user).

82 spots.
218 slackliners
(144 on map)